Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)In case of problems with the skin of the arms, plastic surgery of the arms is indicated arm lift – brachioplasty.

With the onset of a certain age, our skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles appear, in some places, there is a “sagging” of the skin.

So, the problem area is the arm area – in this place, the skin is “drooping”, which leads to discomfort, loss of self-confidence, a feeling of aging, and, as a result, complexes.

In addition, one of the common causes of loss of elasticity in the skin of the hands is significant weight gain, and then a sharp decrease.

Unfortunately, with such a problem, physical exercise cannot restore elasticity and youth to the skin. In such cases, specialists come to the rescue who can solve this problem. So, Brachioplasty or Arm Lifting is a procedure for tightening the skin of the arms.

Brachioplasty is an invasive procedure that removes the sagging skin and fat deposits beneath the arms. Tightening of the skin is necessary when it loses its natural elasticity, becomes flabby and loose.

Brachioplasty helps to make the arms graceful, slim and beautiful. During the operation, the doctor removes excess skin from the elbow to the armpit (along the inner fold).

There are several reasons for saggy skin in the arms. It can be caused by aging, gaining extra weight, hormonal imbalance, gravity and other reasons. It can be seen also in the patients who are skinny.

Correction of such aesthetic deformation becomes very important for the patients with age when the skin loses its elasticity and doesn’t keep its shape. Together with this, these excess skin problems beneath the arms can be developed as a result of intense weight loss, while the fat layer decreases and an excess volume of the saggy skin looks more visible. Typically, this problem occurs on the within of the arm, localized from the shoulder to the elbow.

Tightening the skin of the arms allows you to revive the tone of the forearms, eliminating the extra volume of sagging skin. In some cases, arm lift or brachioplasty is performed together with liposuction to get rid of excess fat deposits first or is itself a further procedure as a result of such an intervention.

If there is a lot of fat in this area, liposuction is recommended. The combination of procedures allows you to get the most pronounced effect that lasts for a long time.

Why Does Arm Skin Sag?

Sagging arm skin in men and women can occur due to many reasons. Our skin sags with the effect of gravity. If we make a generalization, we can list these reasons as follows:

  • Gaining and Losing Weight

Sagging in the arm varies from person to person. If the person has lost weight quickly, has gone on a shock diet without doing sports, this may cause sagging in the arm. Eating healthy, dieting under expert control and doing sports in this process play a very important role.

If the individual has lost weight with an unhealthy feeding program, sagging may occur in the arm area. Along with sagging on the arm, skin cracks may also occur. While losing weight, losing weight regularly can make it easier for the skin to shrink by adapting to it.

  • Getting Older (Aging)

As you get older, our skin changes a lot. Every part of our skin changes. Especially as you get older, sagging in the arms is common. When the person gets old, the stretched skin cannot return to its former state.

For this reason, arm sagging is seen even as a result of healthy eating and sports and weight loss. Even if the person loses weight correctly, his/her skin does not become the same as before. Arm lift will be the best solution.

  • Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Afterbirth

After giving birth, a woman loses weight in her body. This leads to sagging in the abdomen region and arm region. Not every woman can lose weight in a controlled manner after the birth process.

In this case, arm lift is the solution. Arm lift surgery is the best option for women who have sagging in the arm and have not been able to find a solution to the sagging problem with diet, sports. As a result of detailed examinations and examinations to be made by the doctor, arm lift can be performed for each individual in case of suitability.

How is the Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Done?

Before the operation, patients are having a consultation with the doctor. During the first meeting, the doctor examines the patient, clarifies his health complaints, eliminates the risks of contraindications to the operation.

Our doctor issues a referral for the delivery of laboratory tests, obtaining advice from related specialists (if necessary). Regarding doctor referral, the patient will have several tests before the operation such as general urine analysis, general blood analysis, blood clotting analysis and the study of hypersensitive reactions to anesthetics and other drugs.

Before the operation our doctors will explain the patient’s operation, will draw on the patient body and the scars they will have after the operation. Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) procedure will be done under general anesthesia and the duration is not less than two hours.

The incision can be done as an elliptical, classic T-shaped or S-shaped incision, the extra fat tissue is removed from the arms and at the same session the excess skin is removed too. Then our doctor softly tightens and sutures the skin with an aesthetic suture and the suture is absorbable.

In several conditions and cases, Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) operation within the shoulder area can be done by using special threads supported polypropylene or carboxylic acid, which are inserted through punctures and let the tissue to be tightened. This method is usually recommended for little amounts of excess skin in mild cases.

Who Can Have an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Operation?

The patients who have excess skin and fat deposit under the arms and cannot get rid of them with exercise and a healthy diet can have the operation. Also, aging patients can suffer from the hanging skin beneath the arms. Besides, the patient should be healthy and without medical issues.

If the patient has a small excess of skin, then the mini-Arm lift can be done. In this case, the surgeon makes a not very large incision in the armpit, from where excess adipose tissue is removed, and the excess skin is pulled to the shoulder joint, where it is sutured. With this method of surgery, the postoperative scar is almost invisible.

When the presence of excess skin is significant, an extensive Arm Lift is performed. The doctor makes an incision from the armpit to the elbow joint. Usually, such a cut is made linear, but it can also be T-shaped. There is also a variant of the S-shaped cut instead of the linear one, which is not so noticeable on the hand in the future.

Types of the Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Operation

There are several styles of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) operation depending on the incision type and operation style. Brachioplasty (an invasive procedure of the skin of the hands) is performed by excision of excess skin and removal of subcutaneous fat tissue, followed by tightening of the skin.

There are Two Main Methods of Such Surgical Operation:

  • Transaxillary Brachioplasty (Elliptical Removal of Excess Tissue)

Transaxillary brachioplasty can be done by a tiny, low incision in the armpit and removal of an elliptical area of skin.Together with this, the simultaneous removal of excess fat tissue through the incision will be performed.

By tightening the skin with its fixation during a new position, the realm of sagging is eliminated. Transaxillary brachioplasty operation of the arms allows to cover the scar formed after the operation within the armpit and it is indicated if it’s necessary to get rid of a little area of skin.

  • Classical Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Classical or in other names extended arm Brachioplasty is employed to get rid of a big amount of tissue during the surgery. The technique of such intervention involves performing a protracted incision on the inner side of the shoulder from the ginglymoid joint to the axillary region.

The form of the incision is often S-shaped, which allows you to cover the postoperative scar or T-shaped with pronounced laxity of the skin. After that, the tissue is excised and sutured.

The classical lifting of the skin of the arms makes it possible to get rid of an oversized area of the skin and is particularly effective in cases of low tissue elasticity (when liposuction is difficult or impossible). This method allows you to correct the complete shoulder area, additionally because of the upper parts of the forearm.

This method is indicated within the case of a mixture of skin tightening with chest lipoplasty or abdominoplasty. The most disadvantage of the classical technique is the formation of a postoperative scar on the inner side of the arms.

The other type of Arm Lifting operation is Laser brachioplasty. The method involves making incisions with a special laser knife, which is used instead of a traditional scalpel. The incisions are very thin, even, and after healing, no traces are visible. Other benefits of laser brachioplasty include:

  • Sterility, which is created due to the bactericidal property of the laser beam;
  • Minimization of the risk of bleeding, since the laser immediately seals the vessels damaged during the intervention;
  • Quick rehabilitation – twice as fast as after a conventional intervention.

Preparation for the Arm Lift

You can take steps within the weeks and months before surgery to make your arm lift as safe and effective as possible. If you smoke, quitting one to 2 months before surgery can greatly reduce your risk of complications.

For example, a standard smoking-related complication is slow wound healing, which increases your risk of infection. Work along with your doctor to return up with a thought to quit smoking before having surgery.

Several weeks before your arm lift, your doctor will offer you a preoperative evaluation. They’ll ensure you’re ready for surgery by viewing your current health and case history.

This is often also a good time to ask your doctor any questions or remark any concerns you’ve got about the arm lift. The duration of the Arm Lifting operation is from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The duration of the operation depends on the volume of the planned surgical intervention and the method of the operation. Most often, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The surgeon makes an incision on the inside of the arm (from the beginning of the elbow to the armpit). It is through it that excess fat is removed. Thus, soft tissue tightening is performed. Excess skin is cut off and the edges of the incision are sutured with a cosmetic suture.

An arm Lifting operation involves the use of multiple incision warrants. The most common is fishtail or T. This option is suitable for patients with very loose skin on the hands. An S-shaped incision can also be used. This way, the postoperative suture will be less noticeable during the healing process.

If the volume of surgical intervention is not significant, the method of transaxial Brachioplasty can be used. This option involves removing fat deposits through small incisions in the armpit.

As for the sagging skin, it is pulled to the shoulder and securely fixed. Transaxillary Brachioplasty makes the suture almost invisible to others.

After the excess tissue has been removed, stitches are applied to the wound. A special postoperative bandage is put on the hands. It will need to be worn for several weeks. If indicated, a skin tightening can be performed simultaneously with liposuction. Thus, the patient gets rid of the need for several operations.

How is Recovery of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)The patient is observed by the medical staff after plastic surgery of the hands for 1 to 2 days. If she feels well, she is discharged home. For another two weeks, the patient needs to continue to be monitored by the surgeon and go for routine examinations.

While using a self-absorbable suture material during surgery, there is no need to remove the sutures. And when using simple threads, they are removed after 10-14 days.

After the operation, until the sutures are removed and after the patient is shown wearing special compression sleeves, which help to reduce oedema and prevent the postoperative scar from stretching.

Within a month and a half, it’s necessary to limit the range of hand movements and general physical activity, and refuse to go to the sauna and pool. After about the second month, oedema disappears after the operation and the final results of Brachioplasty can be assessed.

Recommendations After Arm Lift Surgery

First, it is necessary to significantly limit the load on the arms and upper body. This will help to avoid an increase in postoperative edema, the appearance of pain or its intensification, and it is also the prevention of suture divergence.

Thermal procedures (bath, sauna) are limited. It is also not recommended to visit a solarium in this period in order to avoid the darkening of the postoperative scar. The resulting effect from the operation can last for 10 years.

But to a greater extent, the duration of the effect depends on various provoking factors (weight gain, dramatic weight loss, smoking, hormonal imbalance in the body, improper skin care, etc.)

Complications and Risks of Arm Lift

As a result of performing Brachioplasty, the appearance of oedema, hematoma, seroma, wound infection, keloid scars, asymmetry of the upper arms, feeling of “tightness” of the skin is feasible.

The most disadvantage of extended Brachioplasty is the formation of an extended scar on the inner surface of the arm, but this fact is compensated by modern methods of performing laser technology for scar removal.

What are the Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lift?

Is There an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Age Limit?

The lower age limit for Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is 18, there is no upper age limit. For arm lift, the person should not have any health problems that would prevent the surgery. If there are medications that he uses regularly, and if he has any surgeries, the patient should inform his/her doctor before the operation.

What are the Risks of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

When Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is compared with many other surgical operations, it is seen that the complications and risks are less. No matter how less these risks are, there are always risks from anesthesia and surgery. Especially in the post-operative period, if the patient takes into account the doctor’s warnings and applies them correctly, the recovery process will be well and without any problems.

Is there Movement Restriction After Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

After Arm Lift, it may be difficult to lift the arms, especially in the first weeks. This process decreases over time. This process varies from person to person. Between 1 and 3 weeks, the person starts to feel better and starts to move his arms easily.

When can I Return to My Daily Life After Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

After Arm Lift, the woman or the man gets up on the same day and is allowed to move. There may be mild pain in the first weeks. With the painkillers recommended by the doctor, this whining period can be passed comfortably.

Which Anesthesia Technique is Used for Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

Since Arm Lift will be a surgical procedure, surgery will be performed with General Anesthesia. The patient’s suitability for general anesthesia will be determined by performing an anesthetic examination before the operation.

Is Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) a Permanent Operation?

The result of Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) varies from person to person. The technique to be applied in arm stretching is the most important factor affecting the result of the amount of arm grafting to be performed.

However, another factor is the skin elasticity of the person. In arm stretching, the arm is stretched optimally by the doctor. If the patient gains weight quickly after the surgery and loses weight quickly, sagging may occur again in the long term.

Can Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) and Breast Lift Surgery be Performed Together?

Combined surgeries are performed with Arm Lift (Brachioplasty). Your doctor will decide this. It is performed together with surgeries such as breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, leg stretching, tummy tuck. The operations to be performed and the time you will be under general anesthesia during your surgery are all factors that play a role in the evaluation.

How Many Days Do You Stay in the Hospital After Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

After the Arm Lift (Brachioplasty), drains are placed in the arm region in order to avoid bleeding problems in the patient. Person; As the patient will have received general anesthesia during the surgery and a drain will be placed, the patient stays under control in the hospital for one night. The day after the operation, the patient will be checked by his doctor and discharged.

How Much Does Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Cost in TURKEY?

If the person has a problem of sagging despite exercising regularly and eating healthy, these fats do not improve with sports and a healthy diet, there has been fat accumulation in the sagging area. With non-surgical methods, arm sagging can be treated with temporary solutions in some cases, in which case the best option may be surgery.

Your doctor, who is an expert in the field, will make the best decision for you as a result of the examination. If arm sagging affects your daily life, arm lift surgery will be a very good option for you. Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is a permanent solution. There are various factors that affect Arm Lift prices Istanbul. Which Arm Lift method will be applied, the price will be determined according to the application. That’s why it’s important to be examined.

In order to get more detailed information about the Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Turkey and to get information about the technique suitable for you, you should be examined by our doctor. You can learn your price information in the most accurate way at the end of the examination.

For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website. Therefore, please dial 0212 241 46 24 to contact Quartz Poliklinik and get information on Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Prices In İSTANBUL, TURKEY.